“Deepa’s Money tips” : How much Health Insurance and why ??



Hi ,

In the previous article , I had mentioned about sharing my responses on some queries which I received last week. I am sharing on this platform as they might be useful to all .

I had received a query on whether to take a medical/health insurance over and above company cover. Yes, It is important to take a health insurance over and above company insurance .

According to me , one should have a  health insurance and critical illness cover in their kitty.The size of the cover will primarily depend on the individual , their medical history , the family’s medical history and lifestyle . There are some generic ways of calculating required cover , but depending on your medical history , you may look at taking additional cover accordingly .

 Also important is cover for parents . Its a general observation that medical insurance for senior citizen parents comes with a very high premium and many conditions. When I take up financial planning for my clients, I ask them to set aside a goal exclusively for creation of medical contingency fund , which can be withdrawable at any point of time when required, does not depend on any approval from insurance company , can be used for any of the parents and not specific to one. Insurance can be sought if the surplus we have falls short of other critical goals . In such case , though at a higher premium , medical insurance is at our rescue. 

There are different ways of deciding the cover required for Health Insurance .

1. Premium affordability method : Where you check for 2% of your annual income as the premium affordable . In that premium range you should check what sum assured you can get . So if the income is 20 lakhs ,

Step 1: 2% of 20 lakhs is Rs 40000. 

Step 2: Check for how much cover comes in Rs 40000  . 

Step 3 : For the current scenario , deduct the cover provided by company from Sum assured arrived in step 2 .

Step 4 : Purchase Insurance for bridging this gap. When you leave the current company and new company gives a lower cover , can take a top up then.

2. Second method is sum assured as a % of income . 50% of income should be good enough to go .

3.Size of the cover can be : 50% on income  + 100% of last 5 years expenses on health / hospitalisation . 

Critical illness is again an important requirement these days . I was checking on a few policies available , and below is a useful link on that . I also verified the ICICI crisis cover as mentioned in below news article , which covers 35 critical illnesses .


Some more useful links on difference between health plan and mediclaim are mentioned below. Please feel free to refer.


Difference Between Mediclaim and Health Insurance

Please feel free to write back , if you have some thoughts to share  and if you need additional information. I shall research and get back . 

Best Regards





image source : medindia.net